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The Grattan Investment Group is a group of founders and CEOs who combined with our Partner Businesses have joined together for the purpose of making investments to grow businesses

The members of our Group share a common interest in growing their wealth, learning about investment opportunities, collaborating on financial decisions and advising and growing businesses into which the Group invests

We partner with any companies we invest into, typically taking a board seat. We are open to investing into mature and start-up businesses

We typically take majority positions, with the sellers retainers a significant shareholding, however we are flexible

We are happy to partner with other co-investors especially our partners such as WCC, Doha Holdings and Malcolm Holdings

We take an active interest in businesses we invest into, using all our expertise and experience to assist these businesses

We have no exit timeframe or reliance on finance institutes and therefore we can work with companies we invest into until the time is right.

How the Grattan Investment Group works:

  1. Membership: Members join the Group by committing money to make investments and commit time and effort. Each member makes their own investment decisions.

  2. Combined Funds: The combined capital of the members allows the Group to make larger investments than any one member might be able to make on their own.

  3. Decision-Making: GIGs decisions are usually made collectively but fundamentally each member makes their own decision to invest their money. This could involve voting on which assets or opportunities to pursue. Each prospective investment has a leader or committee to guide decisions concerning that opportunity.

  4. Management & Governance: The Group has a set of rules which are informal, that dictate how it operates. This includes how often members meet and what kind of investments are focused upon.

  5. Educational Aspect: The Grattan Investor Group is also about learning. Members can share their knowledge of different investment strategies, market trends, and other financial topics. 

  6. Risk Sharing: One of the benefits of the Grattan Investment Group is that risk is shared among all members. If one investment doesn’t perform well, the loss is spread between those who invested, reducing the financial burden on any single person.

  7. Legal Structure: The Grattan Investment Group structure is informal, with little legal structure.


The goal of the Grattan Investment Group is to generate a return on investments for the group, whilse members also join for the community and learning opportunities. 

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